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How to Increase Egg Production in Commercial Layers

How to Increase Egg Production in Commercial Layers


Depending on different chicken breed, pre-laying pullet would have to be about 4-5 months 

old from the day it hatches before it starts laying eggs. A farmer must be well-prepared to 

meet the costs of rearing pullets throughout the brooding to growing period. One challenge

many poultry farmers have is feeding the young birds. Many farmers underfeed their birds 

during the growing (pre-lay) period to beat down production costs.

Also Read: How to increase chicken egg production rate


Usually, poultry farmer shouldn’t have any problem buying feeds when his/her birds have 

started to lay because, at this stage, the birds should be generating revenue/profit from the 

eggs laid by them to cover their feeding costs.


The way pullets are managed during their brooding and growing phase, will have an influence 

on their performance at the laying period. Indicators of performance must be available, and 

these indicators are to be monitored in the brooding, growing, and egg laying phases of layers. 

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Also Read: how to ensure feed nutrition for egg production peak?

One of these performance indicators is "body weight"  Any underfed pullet will inevitably 

become underweight and will also experience late maturity. Pullets in this category will lay 

small eggs, and their eggs production will reduce more sharply after getting to the peak.


Overfeeding will lead to the production of overweight birds. Overweight pullets will never attain 

or sustain high egg laying production. Pullets that are raised under good management produces

eggs at the highest peak, and they are less susceptible to problems of egg production.