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What to do after the debeaking of your chicken?

What to do after the debeaking of your chicken


We all know beaking trimming is most painful moment for chicken in their life.


What can we do to help your chicken to pass this hard time? We can we feed them to 

help them feel better after debeaking?

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Here is the tip:

We should pay attention to anti-stress and stop bleeding, but we also have to add extra

vitamin C and vitamin K3 in the daily feed.


Why should we increase Vitamin C & Vitamin K3?

Vitamin K3 is a coenzyme of the clotting factor Y-carboxylase. If lack of Vitamin K3 in 

the body, clotting time will be prolonged, or severe bleeding, or even death. In addition

to hemostasis, vitamin K3 has other pharmacological effects, such as anti-inflammatory,

antidiarrheal, antipyretic, analgesic etc.


Also Read: Debeaking : How to trim the beak of your chicken layer 

One or two days prior to beak trimming,  increasing vitamin K3 to the diet will shortened 

blood clotting time and prevented bleeding, and reducing the mortality of chicks. Dosing 

quantity is  0.5 mg / kg according to body weight.

Also Read: Best Automatic Chicken Water System -Nipple drinker

chicken cage (182).jpg

The medicines, like sulfonamides and antibiotics, in chicken feed can cause vitamin K 

deficiency. Because these medicines can inhibit the absorption of vitamin K. Its performance

is subcutaneous hemorrhage, hematoma formation. Sick chickens in the chest, feet, wings 

and abdominal all showed large bleeding spots. Young Poultry show severe anemia, or 

Curled up, beat shaking, or fast death. Therefore, if you already used the above drugs, the 

amount of vitamin K3 will have to increase as appropriate.