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Non-power Water Driven Dosatron Injector as a Medicator in Poultry Feed

Non-power Water Driven Dosatron Injector as a Medicator in Poultry Feed

Since we are a manufacturer for Poultry cage and Poultry Feeding Equipment, so let us 

only focus on Doser injector pump used for Poultry Feeding, however, Doser injector 

pump can be applied for many fields.


Well, how to Use Doser injector pump for medicine supply during chicken feeding? What

can chicken farmers do by using doser injector as a medicator for poultry?

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Know clearly basic information of chicken Flock

A-1, Being familiar with the food and water intake is a base for calculation of the medicine,

A-2, Knowing well about respiration and digestion will be good for tracking situation after medicine.

A-3, for egg layers or broilers ready for sales, please consider using medicine without residue.


Also Read: Best Automatic Chicken Water System -Nipple drinker 


Prepare for the Water Feeding line

B-1, make sure there is no leaking in water line to avoid medicine waste.

B-2, Check water lines and nipple drinkers, to protect them being blocked.

B-3, Also check water supply system and water quality to guarantee clean water, if possible, 

using water filter, water purifier, as well as Disinfection device




Preparation of chicken medicine

According to the requirement from Ministry of Agriculture, chicken farmer should make 

a record and regulation for use of chicken medicine. Also please avoid double use of the

same drug.

Make a good consultation for your local Veterinarian for the use of chicken medicine


Also Read: Widely Application of Doser injector in All Fields 

Process of Calculation of medicine

C-1, Prepare mask or gloves for protecting chicken farmers from all kinds of chicken medicine,

       like Volatile, irritating or powder medicine.

C-2, Test the water supply before supply medicine, and make a good schedule for dosing medicine.

C-3, Make a correct calculation for medicine amount,and also choose a proper time for dosing.



Medicine Dissolution

D-1, Dissolve the medicine in a small drum with 10-20L water, and stirring it well.

D-2, Put the soultion of medicine in a bigger drum with 50%water demand.

D-3, wash the small drum, and put the water into big drum, and add  the remaining water, and 

      stirring for 3 minutes.

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Also Read: How can chicken obtain immunization by drinking water in H-type chicken cage  

Commence of Dosing of Medicine:

E-1, Switch on the bypass tap to begin dosing the medince to Chicken.

E-2, Make a record of Dosing time, and liquid level, and read water meter.

E-3, pay a close attention to chicken and check the dosing pump during the Dosing. If anything 

unexpected, just stop dosing to repair or adjust Doser pump or water supply.


After Medicine Dosing

F-1,  Make all liquid in drum was completed finished, and wash it and also Dosing to chicken

F-2, make a record of finishing time, and supply 1-2 hours clean water.

F-3, Flush water supply system to protect from being block, and make a record for dosing.

F-4, Track and Analyse the results of medicine; make a comparison of the food/water intake, 

body weight, egg production rate, or meat production rate with before dosing.