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How to increase chicken egg production rate?

How to increase chicken egg production rate


High performance of laying hens depends mainly on four factors:

First, there must be high-quality Breed, which includes not only the 

genetic advantages of varieties, but also without vertical transmission

of disease;


Second, there must be a good chicken feed, that is, to meet the different 

ages of chickens. The chicken feed required a reasonable and scientic 

formula, and a reliable quality source of raw materials;


Third, there must be a scientific immunization program to maximum egg 

production potential of chickens;


Fourth, there must be good feeding management. Chick breed, chicken 

feed, and immunization programs can be a human Choice, once identified, 

feeding management is the most important  to increase egg production rate.


Good Feeding management is to improve the Environmental factor to increase

chicken egg production rate;  While the environmental factors mainly refers to

the temperature, humidity, light, air quality and noise. 

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Also Read: how to ensure feed nutrition for egg production peak?

Temperature Management

The most suitable temperature for chicken is  from 16 to 27 degree centigrade. 

If your temperature is beyond the above, say -10 ~ 35 degreee centigrade. 

Therefore, we need to take some technical measures to ensure a suitable 

temperature in chicken house.


Experiments show that, with reasonable design and construction of chicken house,

chicekn itself can basically guarantee the appropriate temperature in winter. Even

for short-term extreme cold weather, as long as the temperature is no less than 

5 degree centigrade in chicken house, Chickens can also achieve body temperature 

balance through their own self-adjustment and food intake of high-energy feed.


Physiologically, since chicken does not own a sweat gland and body covers the 

feathers, chicken reduces body temperature by respiratory and water intake.They 

did not work so well in hot weather, therefore, it is a good idea to use climate 

temperature control to reduce temperature in chicken house in summer.


Also Read: Ventilation System in chicken coop

Humidity Management

The effect of humidity on laying hens depends on the temperature. It is reported

that relative humidity above 85% will have an adverse effect to egg laying rate in 

water. If the upper temperature limit does not change, egg laying rate will decrease

with relative humidity rising.


Suppose the temperature is higher than 33 degree centigrade, and the relative 

humidity is 30%, Dropping in egg production can be avoided regardless of good

feed supply.


Light Management

In case of the same light intensity, all kinds of light color have a different effect on

egg laying performance, red the best, white second, purple almost no effect.


Light intensity. 

The light intensity required for laying hens ranges from 0.1 lux to 5 lux. Egg production 

can be normal at 0.1 lux, egg production increasing at 0.2 lux, 2.0 lux at very high egg

production, if more than 5 lux, laying rate not increasing obviously. it is generally believed

 that laying hens required light intensity of 5 lux , that is to say, one square meter of chicken

house asked for 3 watts ~ 4 watts. light bulbs should be more, the best brightness of 40 watts.


Light time. 

1. The best light time for pre-egg laying period is 16 hours, 16.5 hours for laying period. The 

change of Temperature, feed will affect the egg production, but will not fundamentally change

egg production. Only the change of light time is the decisive factor for the laying season of 

laying hens.


2. The change of light time is more important than light intensity on the sexual maturity 

of laying hens.


3. During egg production, the constantly unchanged light time on the production 

performance is very important. The unstable light time will not only decrease the egg 

production obviously, but also reduce chicken egg quality .

Also Read: Best Automatic Chicken Water System -Nipple drinker 

Air Quality Impact


Ammonia is mainly accumulating at the top of the house, there are no Dormers in hen 

house, with increasing of ammonia, it will have a great impact on the performance of 

laying hens.


 Hydrogen sulfide

Most of Hydrogen sulfide starts with the bottom cages. Due to shorter digestive system 

of the chicken itself, the digestibility of the feed is only 80%. When the laying hen is 

indigestion and fed a diet rich in protein, some of feed residue are sulfur-containing proteins,

and it will generate Hydrogen sulfide. When the damaged of eggs is more, the content of 

hydrogen sulfide in the air increased significantly, and hydrogen sulfide will stimulate the 

respiratory mucosa, causing conjunctivitis, and chicken become weak, mortality increasing .


Carbon dioxide. 

The carbon dioxide in the chicken coop is mainly due to the generation of respiration. The

carbon dioxide itself is not toxic to the chickens. Its harm is mainly caused by lack of oxygen, 

manifested as apathetic, loss of appetite and physical health decline.


Noise Effect

Experiments show that: Noise of 90 dB to 100 dB can cause temporary egg production drop. 

Noise of 130 dB can cause the chicken to lose weight or even die.